20 décembre 2011

La première

I've decided to start a blog about my adventures in Paris -- April à  Paris! So for those of you who are interested, I will do my absolute best to post pictures, thoughts, findings, travels, treasures.

As of today, all of my paperwork and travel documents are taken care of, I have my plane ticket, I know where I am going to be living (16ème arrondisement) -- all I have to do is get there! My host mother emailed me today, and she has a bulldog! Zouzou! I can't wait to play with it :)  I'll be there in only about two and a half weeks, which is terrifying but très très très exciting! As my host mother says, after living in Paris, I will return to the States "en petite francie" :) 
 peut-être comme ça? (I just saw this on tv as I was packing - très à propos, non?)