13 avril 2012

Les Vacances de Printemps!

It's almost 2, and I am really only just starting to pack for my whirlwind tour of Europe, as usual. I will try my best to post pictures and updates over the next two weeks. It's going to be a crazy trip I'm sure, but filled with places and sights I have been waiting for all my life!

The plan is:

Amsterdam, tomorrow until the 16th
Berlin 16-19
Pisa 19 (just for a photo op)
Florence 19-22
Rome 23-26
Athens 26 (again, photo ops mostly)
Santorini 27-30

And then, back to Paris. Sigh.

04 avril 2012

Le metro

I just heard a petite fille say "J'adore aller au metro!" as she came out of the exit. So cute.