21 mars 2012

Ma petite colocataire

My wonderful roommate Samantha was here in Paris visiting me last week! It was so great to see her and we did (as we always do in New York) LOTS of exploring. A brief recap:

Monday: slight problemos with finding each other, I honestly don't know how people lived their lives without cell phones, it's horrible. But it was ok, we proved that children of the age of iphones can still manage without the use of technology. Later we visited the Pere Lachaise Cemetery and Centre Pompidou, to see the Danser Sa Vie exhibition (and the rest of the museum) 
 "Finally Alone!" I like this hermit.
 Just another creepy French tomb.


 Oscar Wilde
Hard to read, but there is a note on the glass from someone named Dorian, thanking him for creating a character worthy to be named after

 Pens for Oscar

 Oscar, he's my favorite dandy too.
 Isadora Duncan, La Danseuse
 Seurat, le peintre

Tuesday: After an unsuccessful attempt to go to the Musee D'Orsay (since it is the only major one in the city that is open on Tuesday, there was a giant line), we strolled along the Seine, in the sunshine, then stopped at Shakespeare & Co, then Swan Lake at night

Wednesday: Chateau de Versailles

 Actually one of the creepiest things I have ever experienced in my life, the catfish slowly floated to the surface of the water by Marie-Antoinette's pretend peasant village if you stood over and looked it...they seemed like zombies, it was weird. And this is coming from a person who grew up going to a restaurant named "Conchy Joe's" where the main attraction was the gang-fighting catfish who would literally jump all over each other to fight for a piece of bread thrown off the docks of the patio eating area. (Ew. That is so swamp-y...but that's Florida! It has a certain charm.)

Thursday: Successful trip to the Musee D'Orsay, profiter-ing in the soleil
Friday: Cafe in Montparnasse for lunch, then Berthillon ice cream (see below), Montmartre strolling, The Artist 

shoutout to my pal LE Klein 

Saturday: Louvre, Musee de l'Orangerie, then lots of food! Angelina's for hot chocolate and pastries, Fauchon for macarons, Au Pied de Cochon for Soupe a l'oignon 

 Angelina: where the hot chocolate made me feel like I was going to die (in the best possible way...if you understand the most intense sugar rushes, you understand what I mean)

In honor of St. Patrick's Day

Sunday: unfortunately, she had to return to New York, and I'll admit that even though I am living in Paris, I was a bit jealous (just a little bit). New York me manque. And so does my petite colocataire! 

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