22 février 2012

Les Serres d'Auteuil

About a five minute walk from my apartment (just like Roland Garros) is an oasis, apparently:
The Greenhouses/Gardens of Auteuil (Auteuil is the name of what I think used to be the village where I live, before it became part of Paris)

If you look closely, you can see GIANT koi fish. Apparently they can get really large when kept away from their natural predator, the raccoon. 
Eddie Scissorhandz Wuz Here
PALM TREE! They didn't have my favorite kind (Royal or Queen palms or whatever they're called), but I'll forgive them because there were so many others, and they had to include ones from all over the world
 Hibiscus! It's just like being back in Florida

 Elephant ears, like the plant from my childhood backyard, affectionately named Sid (after the evil kid from Toy Story) after it began to take over our entire yard...also, le soleil!

 There was an entire greenhouse dedicated solely to palm trees (with a shout out in the descriptive plaque to Florida). Made me so proud.

A wonderful (WARM) way to spend a chilly Sunday afternoon in Paris.

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