14 février 2012

Notre Dame

After leaving D'Orsay on Thursday, I decided to walk down the Seine for a while, and ended up by Notre Dame. I've been in front of the building many times, and haven't yet (this trip) been inside. Why change that pattern now? I thought. 
 So as I was about to keep walking, I saw a sign that read,
 "Crypt of Notre Dame". I can't resist a crypt!
 Apparently, underneath the cathedral above, there lies a treasure trove of Gaule-Roman ruins! Who knew???
 There was a disappointing lack of the expected dead people (apparently it was only used as a necropolis for a very brief period of time), but that was made up for with pieces of the ancient city that was on the site of Notre Dame. Tres cool.
 When I came out from under the cathedral, I decided that maybe today could be the day to change my lack of going inside to actually see it. It did not disappoint.


 Dedicated to students!

 Jeanne d'Arc
 In the year 1163...

 Yes! Finally a skeleton!
 The cathedral is going under some restoration for its 850th birthday next year, so there was a chandelier that had been lowered for all the peasants..I mean tourists...to see.

 Oh hey...I spy a Star of David!

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