29 février 2012

Zee Odd Couple

Martine and her neighbor Patrick, have a very funny (and entertaining) relationship. Par exemple:

Moi: Martine, j'ai une question: si je dis "j'ai mal à la tête ça veut dire que j'ai une migraine ou je suis folle?"
(Engrish: If I say "I have bad in the head"...sounds way nicer in French, and not as weird because that is how you say something hurts in French...does that mean I have a headache/migraine or I am crazy?")

Martine: Mais non, ça veut dire que tu as une migraine...mais si Patrick dit ça, il veut dire qu'il est fou.
(Oh no, it means you have a headache...but if Patrick says that, it means he is crazy.)

*Patrick chuckles from the couch where he is snuggling with zee princesse Zouzou*

1 commentaire:

  1. proudly understood all the french without reading the english subtitles! go me.
