19 février 2012

L'Opéra Garnier

On Thursday night, I bought (scalped, and therefore terrible and overpriced, but whatever, worth it) tickets to see Orfée et Eurydice at L'Opéra Garnier. It was incredible. Pina Bausch's  choreography, by the Paris Opera Ballet, to the operatic score by Christophe Gluck. Not too shabby. As excited as I was for the ballet (which was beautiful, as expected, even though I could only see about half of it), the building itself was worth the trip. 
 Yeah, my dorm ceilings don't look quite like this. Close!

 Not bad for a lobby.

 There were sculptures of former opera stars and composers throughout the building, as well as on the steps outside the entrance.
- Petrarch
 Cute hat!
 I must say, I love Lincoln Center, but it doesn't quite have the same atmosphere...

 Months of the year instead of hours/minutes
 View of the Parisian street outside the window

 Inside the actual theater, the ceiling was painted by Marc Chagall. If you look closely, you can see that he included representations of many of the works of famous composers (Tchaikovsky has Swan Lake, Wagner has Tristan und Isolde, Debussy has something that I couldn't make out from where I was sitting, etc...)

 For such a modern style in such a ridiculously lavish Beaux-Arts building, it works really well.

 Terrible picture, but it shows what the petite vignettes for the composers look like...Zis one is Tchaikovsky's I believe

 View from our private box. Did I mention I was sitting in a really fancy private box?

 The Phantom.

Gluck. Merci pour votre opéra, Monsier.

Just a typical Thursday Soirée in Paris.

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