15 janvier 2012

Bonjour, Gorgeous

 Zee Louvre...I finally made it here on Saturday, and it was just maaahhhrvelous. So much more meaningful than the last time I went to Paris as a young'un, since this time I actually knew what to look for and what I loved. Even if every other place in Paris was the ugliest thing you had ever seen in your entire life, you would still think it was the most beautiful city in the world after going to the Louvre

 Paolo & Francesca...la drama! L'amour! Les voyeurs (Dante et Virgil)! Si tragique!
 Death of Sardanapolous...gangstah
 Raft of the Medusa...after taking an art history class in which we spent an eternity on every painting David and Delacroix ever did, I felt like I could have given a tour on this painting alone. Also, it's gigantic, as are many of the other paintings I've only seen in a powerpoint. Much, much, much better in person.
 This is part of a painting of a Greek Massacre that I've seen many times in classes, but I never noticed the couple in the corner until I saw it up close and personal
 The Burial of Atala...je l'aime!!! C'est si belle! Et si tragique. I'll spare you the gushing, but this is one of my favorite paintings of all time, and I could have stared at it for hours

 La Grande Odalisque
 I've never seen this one before, I just noticed all the petit animals...turns out it is Noah's Ark, who would've thunk?
 Ah, Winged Victory

 Yeah I think this morning I'll drink my cafe out of my amethyst dragon goblet.
 No, make that my Lapis Lazuli seashell goblet
 No, no, my giant amethyst and jade goblet, that's the ticket. Ahhh, these make me wish I was a Byzantine king
 oh hey, Venus de Milo, didn't see you there
 The ghosts of the Louvre past...
 Victory Stele of Naram-Sin
 Hammurabi...Un oeil pour un oeil, une dent pour une dent
Ah, bonjour, Roi Soleil. The power.

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