13 janvier 2012

Petit recap

Aujourd'hui I did a bit of shopping in the Marais(found a "Hippy Store", and a tiny bookstore with a lot of English-in-translation), had my first crepe and cafe since arriving (yum!), and found the graves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre (which was covered in cherries, metro tickets, and cigarettes), and Marguerite Duras (decorated with flowers and seashells). I'm getting much more familiar with the area of Montparnasse, as well as the route on the metro to and from chez moi, but I am most certainly missing the grid of New York. However, I must say that I miss much less than I thought I would, at least so far. Paris might just be a city that has the power to successfully get me over my obsession with New York (gasp!), or at least my separation anxiety from it.
Ce week-end, I hope to go to the Louvre (I can't believe I have not gone yet! What?), do some neighborhood exploring in the 16eme, and perhaps go on more of a bookstore hunt. There is just so much! Also I will for sure be visiting more cemeteries, I find them to be fascinating and beautiful, especially with the types of graves found in Paris (un peu morbid peut-etre, but I don't care). How else could I get within inches of Edith Piaf or Oscar Wilde?

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