22 janvier 2012

Un rhume

J’ai attrapé un petit rhume ce week-end. It wasn’t bad, just a time-out from my immune system. It’s easy to forget to recharge here, because there is just so much to do (and I keep having nightmares that I am back in the states and this all went too fast, for two weeks in Paris is simply not enough). The last couple of days turned into a chance for (obligatory) sleep, tea avec miel, and pajamas, as well as organizing my life, figuring out how I am going to make order out of the chaos of my schedule, planning more places to go and things to see, and just slowing down. 

The results:

Bakeries to taste test:
Rose bakery
Le Pain au Naturel
Bob’s Kitchen (for bagels...just to see if they are anything like home)
Bagels and Brownies (which, if it is as good as the internet makes it out to be, could be my new school lunch spot)
La Liberté

Places near school that Ive yet to check out:
Creperie Julien
Closerie des Lilas
Les Deux Magots/Café de Flore (just to say I’ve been there, I know they are probably nothing more than tourist traps at this point, sadly)
Coffee Parisien
Tea & Tattered Pages
The Catacombs 
Parnasse 138
Le Dôme Café
Rue Vaugirard
Le Select

And, what would a lazy weekend be without some youtubing?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZxDf-_l43g&feature=fvwrel - actually I saw part of this one on tv today, I didn't know they were using Audrey Tatou's biopic about my life as a Chanel perfume commercial!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRrysGj_mxc&feature=fvst ... actually not that far off from how I probably look while trying to use the French hose-style sit-down(?) shower-bath nonsense
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRvJylbSg7o ... the angry comments only make it all the more poignant.
even though Paris looks a tad bit closer to this right now,  
nobody does an opening sequence quite like Woody Allen

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