24 janvier 2012

Une Parisienne?

J'ai beaucoup de fierté to say that I was asked for directions by 3 lost wanderers in Paris...apparently I look like I know my way around the metro and Montparnasse (hint: I do.)  I know (some of) the cheapest and most fulfilling places for lunch near school, the fastest metro ride, as well as the most scenic, and which stop to get off at in order to avoid the Penn Station of Paris, which leads to what one of my guidebooks said is the Times Square of Paris (and to that I ask: have you been to Times Square? Because Place du 18 Juin 1940 in nothing like it...shall I count the ways? For starters, I have yet to see anyone wearing a dirty Elmo costume or selling comedy show tickets). I am starting to figure out many other things as well, and I can feel the lag period of my adjustment starting to ease up a bit. 
*Funny things seen in metros: French people singing songs with English lyrics without (apparently) knowing how to actually pronounce any English words at all. Today, the musical selection was "Hotel California", which I never realized had such a high degree of English linguistic difficulty until I heard the sweet sounds of "ohhalll alllioooaaa  suuuh looolyyy pppaaay...seee uuummmaahhh ehhhh" echoing in the hallways

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