08 janvier 2012

Les voix

At one point today, I was listening to my host mother, her two friends, and the news on tv about the U.S. Tea Party (Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and their rabid followers), which was being translated and commented on by the French news-anchor (It's hard for me to comprehend the pointless dribble that comes from the Tea Party in plain English, so trying to understand what the French version of it was supposed to say did not help one little bit). In case you lost count, that is five different voices at the same time, saying different things, in different languages...my brain hates me so much right now. It made for some funny moments though, because two of the Tea Party followers (one of whom my host mother immediately called fat and said her shoes were unflattering and she needed to wear something that elongated her legs...lolz) were talking about how if the States were Socialist, we would never be able to start with no money and make something of ourselves, like their grandparents did, or something, and we would be paying tax money to educate kids with Communist ideas (or something), and my host mother said "Oh really? That's Socialism?" and started laughing.
I remember Mme Beard, my high school French teacher, saying that when she came to the U.S. and only heard English, it was like having a constant migraine, all those confusing voices swirling around in your head, for a few weeks until you get the hang of the language. That needs to happen for me very very soon, s'il vous plait.

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